Presentation day

A group of us woke up around 5 am to get to the lookout tower to see the sunrise. We also helped Lucas with getting drone footage which was really fun. After our morning adventure, Jacob and I touched up our presentation and ran through it a few times this morning. Around 1pm, we finally presented our project to the other group and our findings. Our project was looking at forest that was categorized as primary forest, secondary forest, and abandoned pasture. We wanted to see how the habitat and the water quality differed from each other in this categories. We found that abandoned pasture had more diverse community of macro invertebrates which would suggest that it had a better water quality than the other two but the primary forest had better habitat and in the riparian zone and in the stream when a habitat evaluation was done. After all that practice this morning, our presentation didn’t go as planned but we got through it. Now it’s all down hill from here.


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